As a session, I was thinking about teaching a tool that I have used previously – Scalar, Omeka, or Palladio. I am not an expert but have worked with them before and would be happy to share what I know. I thought the session might go one of two ways – we focus on one tool for the session or we talk about all three and look at what their strengths/weaknesses are – why might you choose one over the other while working with them. I would be happy to have co-facilitators.
If other campers are interested – I would love to have feedback in order to prep the session as needed.
For those interested in Scalar (which is an online publishing platform), please use this link to create an account.
For those interested in Palladio (which allows you to create maps and other visualizations), you can find the data set we will work with here.
This sounds great! I would be happy to co-facilitate a portion of the session on TimeMapper, or run a separate tool session if there were enough interest.
Happy to talk about Omeka and also to learn the other tools as well!